Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Madness

So I am feeling a bit scattered these days....the husband has been getting beyond upset with me since I cannot seem to remember anything and what he doesn't realize is that it is bugging me just as much as it is bugging him! Soooo here is a list of what is going on this month as of this moment that I have floating around in my head!

This week
  • Place a candle order
  • Place a photo order
  • Put faux stained glass into front door window(maybe back door as well)
  • Clean up basement vacuum
  • Put together food storage shelves in basement and organize
  • Set up sleeping area for friend
  • Give the dog a bath
  • Clean bathroom
  • Have new cabinets together for bathroom
  • Organize new cabinets
  • Clean up house a bit for friend that will be with us for next 2 weeks (not too stressed about this since he stays with us 2 times a year haha)

For next week
  • Goodie bags for Lainey’s party
  • Pizzas ordered (Monday or Tuesday)
  • Cake ordered
  • Smash cake made (Friday evening)
  • Presents wrapped
  • Bring Gabby and Brownie troop to Butterfly exhibit at gardens (Tuesday evening)
  • Bring Lainey into WIC clinic (taking Friday off of work for this)
  • The mall (taking Friday off of work for this)
  • Lainey's 1st birthday party!

Rest of the month
  • Gabby dentist
  • Lainey’s 1 year appointment
  • Write a paper for first Grad School class (due first night of class!)
  • Orientation for Grad School (? Maybe waiting to hear if we are having one!)
So needless to say lots scrambling around in my brain along with other things like what I want to plant this spring and what I want to do to the yard in general etc....ya know super important stuff ;)

I will say I have been sleeping SO good this past week since we have new cotton jersey sheets on our bed and new black curtains making our room seem SO much cozier!!!

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