Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30 Days of Songs Day Six

Song that reminds me of somewhere....This song was heavily played while I worked at the base swimming pool while living in Okinawa Japan....pretty much all reggae brings me back to that time in my life but this song in particular was featured on a Reggae Gold cd we played often while working


  1. Alright, I just wanted you to know that ever since I heard the Miley song from your day 1 I cant get the stupid thing out of my head. And of course as usual I can only remember a few words which are.. I raise my hands in the air, and the butterflies fly away, the butterflies fly away. So now over and over daily thanks to YOU, we now both hate the song. LOL

  2. LMAO I am SO is truly a virus that does NOT go away...see now even you mentioning it I have it in my head! UGHHH it is SO CRAP hahahaha!
