but then again I love cozy and eclectic and can totally dig spaces such as this
Oh and speaking of bookshelves....I could do prob a whole blog post on just how much I adore bookshelves especially built in bookshelves like this above (and how clever to have that curtain to pull and hide them away if you choose?)....and also like this....
and this space would make me super happy
So as I was saying the Gemini thing hahaha....although I have a desire for everything to have it's place I also have my side of me that likes STUFF. I need to find the happy medium! I am thinking of this as first action plan....REMOVE all papers and anything not absolutely needed from our main floor of our house to either the basement or the garbage/recycling bin. This will help me feel organized and tidy but then again I will have to just go to the basement to deal with it.....decisions decisions...the buying of rubbermaid bins is much needed to organize the STUFF we already have but we have been better about ridding ourselves of said STUFF.
I am totally thinking out loud in my blog here so don't mind me ;) It is just one of those afternoons where the wheels are turning and I am trying to type to keep up and make sense of it all haha....
As I was searching out the pics above I did find my next MUST DO project...ya ready? Check it....
I want to do these (well not all of them but something like one of them at least!) in both the girls bedrooms and gosh dang it maybe every room in our house LOL! The last example would prob be the easiest to execute as all it is are spice racks from Ikea! I mean how genius is that?! I could see these being used in my craft area too!!! Oh so many possibilities!
So there ya have it a peek into my mind today that has gone from how I need to get organized to constructing book shelving in my girls bedrooms to shelving in craft area....hey at least shelves have to do with organization right?!