Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Punkin Time!

Ok so they are not the best ever but we had fun so that is what counts! It was Gabby's idea to have the bow on the girl pumpkin heehee. And the one that is just open welllll it started as a ghost but ended up looking like a "cave" said Miss Muffin! heehee....The last one Gabby just decorated with a sharpie and did a pretty fine job! Such my little artist!
I have training this morning for work so half day of real work today, then tomorrow I get to go in late to work due to wanting to see Gabby's first school Halloween parade! After that I have orientation for work (even though I have been there almost 2 months now).
I am SUPPOSED to go see Dashboard Confessional on Friday night but people keep flaking on me so we shall see if it happens or not :( Fingers are crossed for sure!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Getting There!

Well just spent the past few hours organizing scrap stuff! I feel a lot better about it all even though there are still a few more areas to sort and label.. Here is how it turned out for now!

Here is what is hidden beneath the fabrics! Oh to have the funds so I can have all color coordinated storage so it looks all pretty set out in the open haha.....but for now this shall do! The shelving are free cubbies I got from a daycare that got new ones! They are super sturdy :)

Sunday Already

Man oh man ok it is Sunday. I must get scrap stuff organized and off the floor! Dad came to visit real quick last night and I was embarrassed to say the least the state of the apartment. He was all "Wow you sure aren't as clean and organized as you were in highschool huh?" OY VEY!!! I am really I am it is just I am in a state of transition here pops!
Got the wall in room painted but still need to do the cutting in which my silly self did not tape off so now have to tape off and do that part but otherwise I am DIGGING the peacock plume color!
Ok off to organize scrap supplies!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Clean up Clean up Everyone Everywhereeee

Oh yes this is what I am dealing with this weekend.....

and another view....

Think I have a wee bit of organizing to do in the whole scrap supply section of my place yeah? And this is in my dining room...in my open plan apartment so yeah directly seen from living room here folks haha! Stay tuned for after pics......oh and I am broke so just working with what I got for the time being! Mister owl lamp is gonna be painted too along with a wall in my bedroom....can anyone say PROJECTS? haha.....let's see if I can get it all done this weekend!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Long time no Post

I really suck at staying with something...I am good at starting things but my follow through is lacking, to say the least. So it is amazing I am actually even doing this post! But I do love blogs and I always think in my head about things I want to post but then just never get to it!

So here I am getting to it! The summer is now officially over but not according to Michigan weather!


I have so many scrap projects I want to start and do but dang it there are just not enough hours in the day for this sleepy girl! I seriously think I am part cat and require 12 hours of sleep a night! Of course I am working my first full time since about 6 years ago so that is hitting me hard too. Cannot believe I have already been at my job a month this coming Friday! Pretty dang cool time is going fast as that means closer to Gareth arriving! 82 days right now until he arrives!!! Seems way too far away still but I know it will come quick especially with the holidays fast approaching!

Also this girl is back! One of my bestest friends Jen! What is cool about Jen is the fact we met while I was living in England and turns out she is from 20 minutes away from where I am from! Her hubby is off to Korea for a year so she has decided to move back here for a year! I am ecstatic to have her around and so is Gabby! She also has some plans to dye my hair some fun color combos so I am thrilled about that! Oh and the fact she is my scrapping buddy too!!! Hooray for great girlfriends!
Well off to hang out with more old friends today. My good friend Andrew aka Andy aka Drew, I have known him since 9th grade and am now friends with his wife Shannon too! They live about an hour away and they are coming into town today with their little boy to visit with me and Gabster :) Fun times! I swear we need to have 4 day weekends and 3 day workweeks cause weekends are just not lonnngggg enough! Peace out!